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Icon-fonts as search button in WordPress

===start invisible code=== (no CSS used to render icons)

===end sample


This is a snip from a WordPress implemementation nstall of a search bar. Icon fonts are used, and we'll experiment to make them accessible.

Code Used

<nav id="smartMenu">
<a id="toggleAC">
<a id="toggleLocal">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<a id="toggleSearch">
<i class="icon-search"></i>

Fails everything as is.

Let's try to fix it.



Code used

<nav id="smartMenu">
<a id="toggleAC">
<a id="toggleLocal">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<a id="toggleSearch" aria-label="Main menu" aria-expanded="false" role="button" tabindex="0">
<i class="icon-search"></i>

This will also require trapping the enter key and spacebar and firing the same code when these keys are pressed, as the mouse click fires.


Accessibility Support technology used

  JAWS NVDA VoiceOver
FireFox34.0.5 OK OK N/A
IE11.0.9 OK OK N/A
Chrome 39.02 OK OK N/A
Safari MacOS N/A N/A only reads top level heading

